About settings available on Android phone
According to the latest tech news, Android phones have a very wide range of systems and settings that are available 2 regulates subsystems systems. However only a few are known to us because we hardly know the use of the rest of the settings Android phone client it is essential however be notified about small and hidden settings that a phone contains which are mostly developer options in Android. Knowing these small hidden details will help us recover the small problems that we face while using an Android phone
Changing the font size in the display
Many of us do not know that the font size in a phone can be easily changed. This is a developer option in Android. We often have to pressurise or strain our eyes to see particular writing on an Android phone. However, the display settings also have an option for the font size. In which we can automatically increase or decrease our font size according to our necessity. Most Android phones have 3 options, large medium small for font sizes. However, the latest smartphones have numbers which give a greater option for font size.
Activating the built-in tracking system in androids
Losing of phone or phone being stolen is a common happening in our day-to-day life. There is hardly any user who hasn’t lost their smartphone or has got their smartphone stolen. Androids in the present day come with a built-in tracking. Says once we go into the security settings of the Android phone and switch on the Find My Device setting it automatically turns on the tracking system. After which we can lock onto our Google accounts and go onto the search bar to type where my phone is automatically some information will be required and you can easily track down your phone.
Reduction of usage of data in an Android phone
In this fast-moving world, we all have come across a problem where the applications working in the background of the phone while they are not in use, take up data and finish up fast. This is a grave problem for people who have limited data usage. We often go to our service centre and play note of this problem of reduction of data while the phone is not being in use. The latest tech news tells us that this problem can be dealt with by us just by turning on and off a few settings.
We do not need a projector to project our phone screen on something else
Android phones according to Staytechweb Come with a built-in casting system. Previously for Android phones, we used to need a separate USB to connect it with another projector so that our phone screen can be cast on a bigger screen. But in the present world of fast and developing technology, there is a setting in the Android phone which are developer options in Android that help you to cost your phone screen on a connected device via Bluetooth or WiFi.
How to restrict applications from using your information?
Every user has faced the problem of unwanted notification from several applications that the user almost do not use daily. This happens because while we had downloaded the application from a particular store play it had wanted permissions like to send notifications have access to media and contacts 4 performing a particular task. But if we do not need the application in the future, according to the latest tech news we can easily switch off the permission settings from the Android phone itself.
When battery percentage decreases faster
We see that while using an Android phone the battery percentage keeps on decreasing at a faster rate while the phone is not being used that much. It is even faced while we are out of the station and we have no other charging port nearby and we need to save our battery for the minimal working of the phone. Android phones in the present day come with a battery saver. Some androids even come with ultra battery saver settings which restricts the working of other applications of the phone which are not in use and only allows you to use the basic functions which save the battery.
What if the touch sensitivity of the phone does not work?
If the sensory part of the screen in an Android phone which is the most important essential part of any smartphone stops working then according to Viralblogy, there is an option to activate our phone with voice commands. Android phones have Google Assistant on them. If we activate the working of the Google Assistant just by saying hey Google it will automatically accept your voice commands and do your job.
Unnecessary use of storage
Again a common happening is that after our phone has been used for 6 to 8 months our phone gives us a notification or a warning that our phone storage has been used up this is always not due to heavy storage of media or contacts on our phone. There is certain background working of the phones that keep on happening even after hours of shutting down of the phone. These take up the memory space of this phone and make it slower in working. According to Staytechweb this can easily be addressed and recovered from.
Privacy settings of the notification bar
Privacy on a phone especially when we are using Android phones needs to be given utmost priority. We often see that if we have given someone else to handle our Android device and notification from certain apps especially social media pop up on the notification bar that was not meant for the other person to see, it puts us in an unwanted situation. According to the latest tech news, one can easily go into the notification settings of the Android phone and choose how the notification will appear on the notification bar.